exdem search results for Xindak
2 results (limit 2500) from 1 stores in 0.15s : Index build February 10 2025 07:00:13
emporiumhifi.com 2 unique matches
Xindak 20th anniversary red label cd transport & valve dac , RRP £3985 £1950 .. Ferguson CD 01 cd player the first British cd player! 1984 £200 .. Primare CD22 cd player (WALES) £550
XINDAK PA1 Monoblock power amps 80 Watts Class A into 8 ohms £1700 .. TEKTRON TK5687 PSES-I reference Valve preamp with headphone output £1500 .. Denon DRA 375RD receiver with built in phonostage £100