exdem search results for CH Precision
theaudioworks.co.uk 2 unique matches
additional CH Precision item such as L1 pre-amplifier, D1.5 or C1. .. This pair is now available used in excellent condition from a customer who is .. making the leap to the P10.
CH Precision P1 / X1 with EQ Board Option (used) .. [p1-header] [header-X1]Picture 090 .. Current models. Until the Launch of the £70,000 P10 last year, the P1 / X1
selecthifi.co.uk 11 matches, 2 unique
Brinkmann, Bricasti, CH Precision, Chord, Constellation Audio, Dan D’Agostino, .. Esoteric, FM Acoustics, Gamut, Goldmund, Gryphon Audio, HRS, Harmonic .. Resolution Systems, JBL, Krell, Linn, Luxman, Lyra, Magico, Murasakino, Mark
CH Precision M10 power amplifier .. [DEL:£93,000.00:DEL] Original price was: £93,000.00.[INS:£59,995.00:INS]Current .. price is: £59,995.00.
theaudiobarn.co.uk 1 match
CH Precision T1 (ex-display) .. [DEL:£22,100.00:DEL] Original price was: £22,100.00.[INS:£12,100.00:INS] .. Current price is: £12,100.00.
emporiumhifi.com 6 unique matches
CH Precision A1.5 power amp £16000 .. LFD PA0 power amplifier (wales) £450 .. Rotel RX1603 Receiver inc MM Phono Stage & Made in Japan 33kg monster
CH precision C1 dac/ streamer UBS_IN, Etherrnet_IN HD and Sync I/O and Analog .. Input boards. 14000 .. CH Precision L1 preamp 15000
CH Precision a1 integrated with phono, latest version 25,000 .. Neat sx1 speakers boxed 1000 .. AirTight atc-2 preamp 3000
CH PRECISION D1.5 CD PLAYER/Dac latest £25,000 .. Audio Physic Avanti 30 speakers 3500 .. Goebel Divin Marquee speakers £35,000
CH PRECISION I1 INTEGRATED AMP IN GOLD FINISH 30000 .. Tannoy lancaster with 15" monitor golds but cabs in poor condition2200 .. Einstein tonearm 2700
CH Precision D1.5 CD PLAYER with dac & clock options 20000 .. Avant Garde uno fino 12000 .. EMT 928 turntable with arm and cartridge 8000
singularity-audio.com 1 match
CH Precision, M1.1 Power Amplifier, £23,995 inc. VAT .. Naim STATEMENT NAP S1 Mono Power Amplifiers & NAC S1 Pre Amplifier, £145,000 .. inc. VAT
theaudiobarn.co.uk 1 match
CH Precision I1CH Precision I1 .. CH Precision I1 .. £33,400.00